Archive for the ‘Signs Under Siege’ Category

Say What: Curb Your Piggy Edition

March 20, 2008

ten eyck street curb piggy
There are so many elements at work in this sign from Ten Eyck Street in East Williamsburg that it’s hard to know where to start. Well, we know that we need to start with the Curb Your Piggy element, which is superb, but we also have to note the damaged one-way signs and tagged Stop Sign. This magnificent specimen comes from the wide-ranging Miss Heather.

Say What–No Parking Dog

March 13, 2008

Say What--No Parking Dog
Sometimes, it’s the “private” no parking signs that suffer the most interesting fates. We like the written over No Parking and the dog sticker. It’s from Williamsburg.

Say What–Meeker Mystery Sign

March 12, 2008

Mystery Sign
It is face down on Meeker Avenue and may have been the victim of a traffic accident. It appears to have been in this condition for a while, given the dust and grit that have accumulated. Then again, on Meeker Avenue in the Burg beneath the BQE, that could happen in a matter of days.

Say What–Keep Intersection…Something…

March 11, 2008

Say What--Keep Intersection
This very stickered sign comes from Williamsburg on Union Avenue near the BQE. It used to call on drivers to keep the intersection clear.

Say What–Hanging One Way

March 10, 2008

Say What--Roebling One Way
This one-way at Roebling and N. 10 in Williamsburg was a victim of high winds, we think. Either that or we finally noticed it because it was making a lot of noise blowing back and forth.

Say What–Park Slope Blows in Anger Edition

March 7, 2008

No Horn Blowing
This is easily the most enjoyable altered sign we’ve seen in a long time. It comes from Seventh Avenue in Park Slope at Carroll Street. We honestly don’t know how long it’s been like this, but we enjoyed finally noticing if it’s been that way for a while. Superb.

Say What–Banged Up Drawbridge

March 6, 2008

Banged Up Drawbridge
You simply don’t see a lot of drawbridge signs in New York, but there are a number of them in Gowanus, where there are five drawbridges over the Canal, all of which open and close from time to time. This signs is on Ninth Street as one approaches the Ninth Street Bridge under the Smith-9th Subway stop. It is very banged up and also very high off the ground, which can only lead one to the conclusion of truck damage.

Say What–Alternate Side Down in the Slope

March 5, 2008

Alternate Side Down in Slope
Park Slope is not the best place in Brooklyn to find violated street signs in Brooklyn, but one does come across them from time to time. This one is from Ninth Street and Sixth Avenue.

Say What–Gorilla Stop Sign

March 3, 2008

Stop Sign Gorilla
This stop sign, with added gorilla, comes from N. 9 Street and Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg. We believe it is of fairly recent origin.

Say What–Alternate Upside Down

March 2, 2008

Alternate Side Hanging
This alternate side parking sign on Court Street in Cobble Hill is still hanging in there, but it is a little worse from the wear.