Archive for the ‘Bushwick’ Category

Street Couch Series: Bushwick Couchfest

March 14, 2008

McKibben Street Couchfest
They’re not street couches per se in the sense of being discarded or put out on the sidewalk to sit on, but they’re definitely the Street Couches of 2015 through 2050, depending. Miss Heather captured this glimpse of the Street Couches of the future on McKibben Street in Bushwick.

Street Couch Series: Bushwick Seating

March 11, 2008

Suydam Street Auto Seat with Xmas Tree
Well, this is probably more “street seating” than a street couch and it’s in much better shape than some of the sofas we’ve featured. In any case, it’s from Sudyam Street in Bushwick and comes from our traveling correspondent, Miss Heather.

Street Couch Series: Locked Up in Bushwick

March 6, 2008

Jefferson Street Couches Bushwick
These Bushwick sofas were are outside, but not quite on the street, come from Jefferson Street. They are from our Roving Correspondent, Miss Heather.

GL Street Couch Series: Iced & Trashed in Bushwick

February 25, 2008

Eldert Street Chair Bushwick
This once comfy armchair got some snow on Friday and has since gotten some trashed tossed on top. It comes from Eldert Street in Bushwick and is, of course, from the roaming camera of Miss Heather.

Say What–Curvy in Bushwick

February 24, 2008

dodworth and broadway
This battered bit of signage come from Dodworth and Broadway in Bushwick via the roving camera of Miss Heather. We’re not sure what we like more–the sign or the street lamp around which it is wrapped.

Upcoming: Pop Subversion–Food as Art?

February 22, 2008

So, here’s an interesting sounding weekend “to do”:

Pop Subversion: Food as Art?

Ad Hoc Art Gallery and Wheeler’s Frozen Desserts are hosting an interactive food gala in Brooklyn on Sunday, February 24th at 1:30PM. The menu will include Platinum Patron margarita, Moet-Rose champagne, and Mojito sorbets as well as 5 other surprise flavors of ice cream. Hannah Kaminsky, author of My Sweet Vegan, will provide legendary cakes & cookies to complement the desserts…The gallery is will be showcasing “Pop Subversion” featuring Robert Williams, founder of Juxtapoz magazine, as well as over 30 established and emerging artists.

The location is 49 Bogart Street, Unit 1G, Buzzer #22.

Say What–Bent in Bushwick

February 20, 2008

dodworth and broadway-- bushwick
This messed up signage comes from Dodworth and Broadway in Bushwick, where there are many battered signs. It comes via our Greenpoint Correspondent, aka Miss Heather.

Street Couch Series: Out Back

February 12, 2008

algonquin roundtable meets fred t sanford reduce crop
Our Greenpoint Correspondent calls this image “Algonquin Rountable Meets Fred T. Sanford.” It come from Bushwick.

Say What–Curvy One Way

February 9, 2008

Starr Street One Way Sign
It comes from Starr Street in Bushwick and this One Way sign has got some serious curves. It comes to us courtesy of our Greenpoint Correspondent, who knows a good sign when she sees one and who spots them everywhere.

Street Couch Series: Seriously Fubar

February 8, 2008

fubar couches 1
This street sofa is from Troutman Street in Bushwick and it comes via the busy camera of our Greenpoint Correspondent, who titled it a “Fubar Couch.” Indeed, it is monstrously fucked up beyond all hope. Miss Heather, who has photographed many street couches, offers a bit of analysis as well:

Each neighborhood I visit has its own “type” of street couch. Bed-Stuy’s are the most stylish, Williamsburg lists between circa 1970-80 hand-me-downs and modernist chic. When it comes to royally fucked up couches, however, Greenpoint holds the title. But Bushwick is a close second.

Street Couchology–or shall we say Sofalogy–is born.