Archive for the ‘Bay Ridge’ Category

Signs of Spring, Part I: Bay Ridge Edition

March 17, 2008

Signs of Spring Bay Ridge[Courtesy of GL’s Carroll Gardens Correspondent]

Our Carroll Gardens correspondent ventured to the far off corner of Brooklyn called Bay Ridge over the weekend and found that spring is even more far advanced there than it is in Carroll Gardens or Park Slope or environs. Excellent.

Brookbit: Bay Ridge Loses a Blog

February 28, 2008

We were sad to get an email overnight from the person behind the Right in Bay Ridge blog announcing that the blog is being suspended. The email said, “After much reflection and a shift in priorities, I have decided not to continue running the Right in Bay Ridge blog any longer…Should I be able to revitalize this blog later on, I will let you know.” Right in Bay Ridge was one of the strongest and most reliable blogs coming out of that neighborhood. It will be missed.–GL Inbox

Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour, Part I: Bay Ridge Edition

February 22, 2008

Lunar Eclipse Streaks[Photo courtesy of Charles Andrisano]

Local photographer Charles Andrisano sent us this gorgeous shot of Wednesday night’s lunar eclipse as seen from a rooftop in Bay Ridge. The streaks in the photo are the lights of a commercial airliner that he says “had crossed under the moon just as I tripped the shutter.” We love the light.

Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: You Almost Killed Me, But You’re Hot

February 17, 2008

When a man notices a woman, it doesn’t matter that she almost ran him down when fleeing a bar. Attraction is attraction. The evidence is right here in our Brooklyn Missed Connection of the week, which comes to us from Bay Ridge:

You almost ran me over!!! – m4w – 38

I noticed you last night, I was sitting a couple of tables down from you with my friends…you were the prettiest girl at the bar, too bad your friends got you angry and you stormed out. I came out to talk and perhaps buy you a drink, but you ran to your SUV and drove off, almost running me over. Your night was ruined, I felt so mad, what an injustice to a beautiful brunette!!! I’m 5’8″ Dark Hair/ Dark Eyes half Italian / Half Brazilian, perhaps you noticed me too.. I know I can make you forget about whatever got you angry. Please tell me which Bar it was, so I’ll know its you. Ciao Bella, and I hope you have a happier Valentine’s Day!!!

The near miss vehicular homicide clearly wasn’t directed at the poster, so maybe he does have a chance with her, as long as uses mass transit on the first date.

Bklink: Radioactivity

February 12, 2008

A building on Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge succumbed to the deadly combination of high winds and an unsupported cinder block wall built on the building’s roof. The building was once the site of the Leading Edge Radiation Oncology Services Center, and some residents wondered “about spillage of radioactive material following the collapse.”–Right in Bay Ridge

Bklink: Funeral Home Condos

February 9, 2008

“What had once been the site of the Hollywood-connected Bay Ridge Funeral Home is now nearly a half-block long hole in the ground, easily providing passersby a glimpse into their neighbors’ side-street backyards from the rare vantage point of Fourth Avenue – for now.” It will become a seven-story condo. Earlier excavation unearthed a time capsule 47 years before it was due to surface.–Right in Bay Ridge

Bklink: Putting Cut on the Stink

February 5, 2008

The city can’t seem to put enough cut on the stench that is making resident of Bay Ridge on Fort Hamilton Parkway between Marine Ave. and 99th Street a little sick to their stomach. The smell, they say, is coming from a former sewer pipe project. The city has tried tossing pine-scented deodorizer down there, but residents say the stench is worse than ever. The problem started after a $6.9 million city sewer project. “Residents are nauseated–and confused.”–NYDN

Bklink: Bay Ridge Pharmacy

January 30, 2008

The suicide of the owner of Lowen’s Pharmacy, who was caught up in a steroids scandal was reported yesterday. “I’ve shopped at Lowen’s many times over the years. This business has long roots in the neighborhood – Kenny was telling me how he remembers their old location, and the real life Mr. Lowen, pharmacist ,who ran it, near 68th and Third, right next to Three Jolly Pigeons. When the neighborhood’s other small pharmacies –including Alpine Pharmacy and Physicians & Surgeon’s, both on Fourth Avenue, quietly expired, Lowen’s actually expanded. It moved to 69th Street and took over I think three stores. This gave it some degree of size, so that it actually prospered while competing against Rite Aid and the ohter mega-chains that invaded Bay Ridge and all of America. Now a suicide. I took some comfort in knowing that it didn’t happen in the store…Lowen’s Pharmacy has been a beloved part of the neighborhood for 30-40 years or more.”–Bay Ridge Blog, Photo, Soup Flowers/flickr

Bklink: Fireworks

January 14, 2008

Sunday night was supposed to be a spectacular showing of royal majesty in New York Harbor as the Cunard line’s Queen Elizabeth 2, Queen Mary 2, and the brand-new Queen Victoria rendezvoused by the Statue of Liberty for a Grucci fireworks display before sailing through the Narrows into the open sea – but a delayed sail-past coupled with the cold pouring rain and strong winds of an impending Nor’easter spoiled the fun for many viewers along Bay Ridge’s Shore Promenade.–Right in Bay Ridge

Bklink: Hanging Around

January 11, 2008

“Construction workers frantically scrambled to secure a lift after a rope apparently slipped from the roof of a Bay Ridge apartment, sending one side of the platform hurtling down with a worker inside.” There are many photos, although in the end, no one was hurt.–Right in Bay Ridge